WIGO TECH Repair in Clarendon Fixes Phones, Tablets, Computers & More

WIGO TECH Repair in Clarendon
1408 N. Fillmore St, 2nd Floor suite 2
Arlington, VA 22201

Our shop in Clarendon is easy to get to but tricky to find. Huh? Well it's right in the heart of Clarendon just off of Wilson Blvd on N. Fillmore St. and only two blocks from the Clarendon Metro BUT it's not a store front like some retail shops. You'll need to find the super secret door that leads to our 2nd floor space. For the first time on the internet I can reveal what the door looks like:

Secret Door that leads to WIGO TECH Repair in Clarendon

No secret knock is required, just open this door, walk up the steps, turn left and go into the second door on the left (it actually has a sign that says WIGO TECH Repair). Once you enter that door you will be greeted by one of our super smart and very friendly WIGOTECH's who can hep you get your TECH fixed!

Friendly WIGOTECH ready to FIX your TECH!

WIGO TECH Repair in Clarendon is a small shop but we can fix hundreds of different devices with the parts we have in-stock! Cracked screen on your iPhone? Not a problem, we can fix it while you wait! Busted iPad screen? Done in under a couple of hours. Charge port on your Samsung Galaxy S phone not working? We fix that too! Battery on your smartphone seen better days? We have batteries for almost every phone ever made! Heck we even fix Blackberry's!

So if you need your TECH fixed and your in Clarendon, Courthouse or anywhere in North Arlington come visit us today in Clarendon. We'd love to have you as a customer!

Visit our website at WIGO TECH Repair at www.WiGoTECHRepair.com or call our main phone number at 844-Get-WiGo (844-438-9446) for more details. Our shop hours in Clarendon are 10AM-6PM Monday to Friday and no appointment is needed!


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