Maybe I should Just Buy a New Phone?!

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone ask me, "Should I just buy a new phone?" I would be a rich man. But isn't that always the case with your TECH. Something doesn't work right or is tricky to use and the first thing that pops into our head, "I should just buy a new one". 

Of course, that's what we think! Why wouldn't we? After all we are getting inundated with tons of advertising messages from all over the place that says THE NEW ONE IS BETTER!! THE NEW ONE IS BETTER!!! Or maybe you're used to hearing, "This is the greatest (fill in the blank) we've ever made." Until a year later when... You get the idea.

What if I told you can break the cycle and kick the habit of feeling like less of a human being unless you have the latest and greatest TECH. It's OK, you'll survive and more importantly the planet will survive too. Oh and by the way, you'll save yourself a lot of time and money as well!!

It's called SUSTAINABILITY, my friends and most people are moving in that direction each and every day.

Maybe you do it to save money (cutting back on you power consumption at home) or recycling (because you don't want your neighbors to see you without a blue bin out front). Perhaps you think you are all-in on sustainability because you bring your own bags to the Whole Foods and only buy coffee that is "Shade Grown". But have you thought long and hard about your TECH??

Make Your TECH Last Longer by Getting it FIXED!
  1. EVERY ISSUE can be fixed (Cracked screen, Charge issue, liquid damage, software, etc. at a Professional Repair Shop).
  2. EVERY TECH device can be fixed (Most manufacturers would like you to buy something new, but an experienced TECH Repair Shop can fix it!).
  3. Sometimes its is as simple as a NEW BATTERY (Yea, that simple).
  4. If something is NOT WORKING right get it looked at by a PROFESSIONAL Repair Shop (Preventative maintenance works on TECH too).
  5. Don't ask a guy/girl who SELLS PHONES if they think you should get it fixed (much like asking your local Pastor if you should go to church).
  6. Trade-in or DONATE your old TECH! (Be sure your DATA has been erased - most professional Repair shops can do this for you).

So next time someone starts bragging about buying the latest (Fill in the Blank) you can proudly say. "That's great, but I'm helping make the world a BETTER PLACE for You, Me and a lot of people to come!

If you're looking for a PROFESSIONAL REPAIR SHOP we hope that you will keep in mind WIGO TECH Repair. Visit our website at: or call us at 844-Get-WiGo for more details and/or to get your TECH fixed, serviced or to trade-in an older device. 

We'd Love to Have you as a Customer!


  1. nice post.Sydney Repair Center develops application ,provides IT Services and repairs all iphone related iphone repairs

  2. Its really good decision to buy a phone. recently i buy a Ear Piece Earpiece Speaker from "cellparts(dot)cn" to repair my phone.


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