Not All Repair Shops are Equal: BEWARE Inexperienced Techs! They could make things worse. A lot worse!

The demand for cell phone and tablet repair has turned this industry into a FAST growing business opportunity. While not quite in the same category as frozen yogurt shops or nail salons it's still a high demand industry. Everyone has a phone, or two and a tablet or more... and they break!

While there are still a lot of people who don't know you can get your phone fixed - YOU CAN GET YOUR PHONE OR TABLET FIXED AT WIGOCLINIC! - many others make the mistake of having someone fix it who isn't really qualified. Rookie mistakes happen BUT too often we see some pretty bad damage from someones careless work. 

In the last five years we have seen new "repair shops" come and go. Many times it's a cell phone dealer that thinks they can fix phones too - as mentioned in my previous post in this series: BEWARE Shops That Sell Phones & Service too!! Then there is the DIY'er, or even better the person who has a "Friend" who said they could fix it. Almost every day we have someone who has come in after trying to fix a phone or tablet themselves. Yes, I said EVERY DAY!

BE SMART! Choose a shop, like WiGoClinic, that has been around for a while and has experienced techs on duty every day. It's that simple! But now a list of questions to underline my point:

  • If your child broke there arm would you let a clerk at the local drugstore who wants to go to med school some day help them?
  • If you cars transmission was having issues would you let a friend with no experience but took shop in high school "Give it a go"?
  • If your house caught on fire would you have the neighbor kid get his super soaker to put it out because his parents think he's great at it?
  • If you need relationship advice and/or counseling would you go talk to a monkey at the zoo (now a picture of a monkey with a cell phone)?

The answer is No, No, No & No! So WHY let anyone other than an experienced FULL TIME repair shop work on your phone or tablet??!!

Just because someone sells cell phones doesn't mean they can fix them! You want to start your repair at a shop that ONLY does repair and be sure it is a legit shop that has been around for a while!

So what do you do if you make the mistake of having an inexperienced person work on your device and then DAMAGE your device? Bring it into WiGoClinic - Cell Phone, Tablet & Computer Repair Shop. Again, almost every day we get someone come into one of our four local shops or call our customer service team and the conversation often starts, "I took it to another repair shop and now ______ doesn't work". Other times a "tech" from another repair shop will come into our shop and ask us to help fix an issue they created. It's OK we won't force you to join a 12 step group (Hi, my name is Rob and I thought I could fix a complicated electronic device).

Lucky for you and them we have an experienced staff and WiGo is one of the only consumer repair shops in the country that had a full time board level tech on staff.

We hope you will give us a try! Start by calling our professional customer service team at 844-Get-WiGo or if you need the digits it's 844-438-9446.


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  5. I could not agree with you more. It is eye opening how cell phone repairs come to us after "so called" professionals have already worked on it. I agree that you should bring your cell phone repairs into a local company that that is all they do. In Albany we recommend

  6. I could not agree with you more. It is eye opening how cell phone repairs come to us after "so called" professionals have already worked on it. I agree that you should bring your cell phone repairs into a local company that that is all they do. In Albany we recommend


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