STOP! THINK! REMEMBER! Not All Repair Services are Equal! Please be careful.

The Cell Phone & Tablet Repair industry has changed a lot since we got into the business more than five years ago. Some good things - Some bad things!

GOOD NEWS: There are more places to get your cell phone or tablet fixed!
BAD NEWS: There are more places to get your cell phone or tablet fixed!!

In fact, the repair industry is over a $1.5 billion industry and has grown to employ thousands of people according to IBISWorld. That is great! And WiGoClinic is proud to be a part of such a dynamic and quickly growing industry that has provided new opportunities to so many people - like us!

Unfortunately, it has also allowed a lot of people who shouldn't be fixing phones & tablets the opportunity to do so. It seems like nowadays all you need to do is post an ad online, find some cheap retail space in a closing mall or work out of the back of a laundromat (No lie, I know of two local laundromats who have cell phone repair shops) to fix someones phone.

So while we would love to have you as a customer at WiGoClinic - Cell Phone & Tablet Repair (more than five years in business with four area locations, using high quality parts and certified techs). We would love it even more if you didn't end up in a shop that could cause more bad news when you were looking for good news. I'll follow this post with some more reasons to use WiGoClinic, but in the meantime here are things you should watch out for when choosing a repair shop for your broken cell phone or tablet:

BEWARE cheap prices for repair! 
It could take a LOT longer to get it fixed or they might not use high quality parts!

BEWARE shops that sell phones & service too! 
Do they really want to fix your phone or sell you a new one?!

BEWARE inexperienced repair techs! 
They could make your device worse - a lot worse!

BEWARE "Cell Phone Repair Shops" that don't answer their phone 
Especially if they TEXT you! Why can't they take a call?!

BEWARE Strangers who come to your home or work! 
If something goes wrong will they come back - are you sure?!

Don't be fooled by other shops, amateurs in the mall or strangers who come to your house/work. WiGoClinic - Cell Phone & Tablet Repair shops have served the DC area longer than any of them. Our professional shops have highly trained techs on duty to serve you and get your device repaired quickly. We use ONLY the highest quality BRAND NEW parts - others use low quality used parts that are much more likely to break again. Our prices INCLUDE the fastest possible service to get your device repaired and back into your hands.

Give us a try by calling our professional customer service team at 844-Get-WiGo or if you need the digits it's 844-438-9446.


  1. Just found your blog. I like it. I do disagree with the beware of shops that don't answer their phone though. I run a small shop and have 1 employee in addition to myself. If we're soldering under a microscope or have a customer in front of us, we're not answering the phone. In fact, I prefer text messages because it produces a written record to refer back to. If you have customers bringing you wet phones that have been in rice, feel free to send them to our new PSA / info blog on why putting wet electronics in rice is silly and doesn't actually work. Have a great day!

  2. yes we should be alert that because every repair service is not equal we have first judge that which is better for us because i haven seen many people that make fool by others .thanks for really great &necessary information.

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