Not All Repair Shops Are Equal: Beware Cheap Prices for Repair!

The Cell Phone & Tablet Repair industry is now a $1.4 billion industry according to IBISWorld. According to a recent study by SquareTrade, a leading device protection plan company, damaged iPhones alone have cost Americans $10.7 billion. So if you've broken a phone once, twice or dozens of times - you know who you are and we love you! - it's OK your not alone!!

The simple truth is that everyone has a phone and phones break. Remember the first step is admitting that you have a problem. The problem is that your phone is broken or it could be soon. So what do you do? Where do you go to get it fixed?


One mistake we see customers make all the time is to go with the cheapest price for a repair but just like anything in life cheap isn't always best. If you want a hamburger you could go to McDonalds but if you want a REALLY GOOD hamburger go to Shake Shack - love those hamburgers and their fries, boy howdy! Let me do you a favor and share the Shake Shack link. You can thank me later!

Having been in the Cell Phone & Tablet repair business for years I can tell you that there are various levels of quality for parts and some shops even sell USED parts. I get emails everyday from shady distributors that will offer 3 or 4 levels of quality for an iPhone screen. We've checked out many of these parts over the years and the cheaper ones are just that CHEAPER. They break easier and fail more often. There just no good and we don't use them in our WiGoClinic shops.

Used parts are big issue too. I spoke to two different shop owners who told me they use used parts all the time to fix a customers phone. One of them told me he gives away a free screen protector - cheap quality too - to cover up the scratches on a used screen. Then I asked them if they told their customers about this practice or even put it in the teeny tiny print at the bottom of the receipt. Nope - because, as they told, no one knows the difference.

Well, now you know! If you call around and find a shop that is A LOT CHEAPER than anyone else in town RUN! It's not a good deal that only you have uncovered. It's a sketchy business that hopes you keep coming back for the cheap price. And guess what, you'll need to come back because of the poor quality!

Again, don't be fooled by other shops, amateurs in the mall or strangers who come to your house/work. WiGoClinic - Cell Phone & Tablet Repair Shops have served the DC area longer than any of them. Our professional shops have highly trained techs on duty to serve you and get your device repaired quickly. We use ONLY the highest quality BRAND NEW parts - others use low quality or used parts that are much more likely to break again. Our prices INCLUDE the fastest possible service to get your device repaired and back into your hands.

Give us a try by calling our professional customer service team at 844-Get-WiGo or if you need the digits it's 844-438-9446.


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  4. Great information With all said and done, cell phone repair can be done. If you are looking to repair phones chances are that if you search the net for replacement parts might be easier and it might also save you some money. Most mobile companies only cover software in the one year of warranty and not lcd coverage so having the repairs completed by the manufacturer might be expensive.Thanks for sharing........

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  13. All that depends on the phone you have and how long you have had it. Also, if the issue is related to the screen of the phone, please do not think about unauthorized shops.

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