Why I Chose Unity Over Division In The Tech Repair Industry And You Should Too

You've probably heard me talk a lot about industry unity because, quite frankly, the Tech Care Industry (those in repair, support, reuse, and recycle) are such an incredibly divided industry it's hurting everyone. I truly believe that if we could learn to work with each other (unity without conformity) then we could easily double the size of the industry. Let's start working on that now!

This lack of unity hit me like a ton of bricks recently when I read a story about one shop owner that got caught robbing a competitors shop AND destroying repair equipment during the robbery. Yea, destroying repair equipment. Sacrilege!! And, Why?! Now both shops have been damaged and the industries reputation at the same time (negative news & talk just make us look bad).

Think of this horrible incident in context of greater industrywide disunity. People in the industry spend a lot of their time trashing the competition in one way or another. We are hurting/worried about each other when we could be working together to help more people learn about the industry (see my earlier post on The Biggest Issue Facing The Tech Repair Industry Is...). We need to spend the bulk of our time letting more people know about the industry by telling positive stories instead of wasting time worrying about each other and talking trash.


As is often the case many times you need to clean your own house before you can help someone else. After spending a lot of time preaching about industry unity I decided I should take a look at my own house first. I was kind of surprised at what I found.

Thinking about unity I noticed that when I had been talking to people about the upcoming Gadget Repair Expo (April 5-6 in Atlanta) people were surprised that I was planning on attending. When I asked them why a few people said, "Oh I thought you hated those guys". The overwhelming conclusion was that because we have similar organizations we must be enemies. This couldn't be further from the truth, but...

I realized that I had been intentionally avoiding them since I launched the TECH CARE ASSOCIATION (TCA) in 2021. Not because I thought of them as a competitor, I don't (I'll explain below), but I think I was just jealous of their early success. They have done good work for the industry and helped a lot of people.

Recently I decided to man-up and reach out to the good people at Repairs First Association to make amends and find out ways we could work together on behalf of the industry. I also wanted to find ways that I could help promote the Gadget Repair Expo (GRE) and get more repair people to attend the event.

I'm happy to say that we had a wonderful phone call that will help us take the first step in a better relationship between our two organizations. The TCA will be exhibiting at the GRE and we're offering our more than 1,200 members a discount to attend (use code TCA50) when checking out. I hope that this will lead to more collaboration between our organizations, in an effort to lift up the industry.


USE CODE: TCA50 to save $50

I'm for anything that helps the tech repair industry and I truly believe this is a show that you should attend. Are there going to be a lot of people their? Don't know, it's the first year of this show. But I do know that when repair people get together then good things can happen. So yes, you should make plans to attend.

Why should you attend? Simple, if you can uncover even one thing that will help make your repair business more profitable it will have been worth the trip. The show will have different vendors exhibiting that you can meet (some will have prizes you can win!), there will be other vendors in attendance, some workshops to learn from, other repair people to network with, and industry speakers to hear.

Listen, I get it. Some of the content is stuff you already know or have heard a million times before BUT you will hear something or meet someone you have never known/meet before that will help you be more successful going forward. You will get noticed too. This is going to help your reputation in the industry and people will remember you when business opportunities arise.

Yes, it is worth closing your shop for a day or two (a break is always nice, right?) and you can write-off the trip on your taxes next year. Just put a sign on the door that says "Sorry we're closed today while we attend an industry event that will help us serve you better in the future". Yea, it's going to help your reputation with your customers too!

Anyone who lives in the Southeast can easily drive to Atlanta and flights are pretty cheap because Atlanta is the major hub for Delta Airlines (The airport is the main hub of AirTran Airways, Delta Air Lines, and ExpressJet). You could even fly in one morning (pick Tuesday) and fly out that evening saving an hotel expense. 

The bottom-line here is just make sure you attend this show!  


Again, I get it. Maybe you don't like one of the speakers or one of the businesses involved (maybe you don't like me??!!). Well, it's time to grow the F*%K up! Put any silly disagreement you might have behind you and be a professional.

Listen clearly friends, the lack of unity is holding the industry back in so many ways! Petty differences and general disagreements run ramp it in our industry. If we want to succeed as an industry then we all need to pursue unity!


This has got to be the dumbest thing in the industry. Yes, there is competition. Yes, there are rogue players. Yes, something needs to be done about it (join the TCA to help). Is it the biggest issue? Not by a mile!

This industry is HUGE and not enough people put in the work to be successful in it. So they end up blaming everyone else for their lack of success. All that does is breed contempt within the industry and make it worse.

DYK, that restaurants work together to make their industry stronger? Retail shops do too. How about Apple, Samsung, and other tech companies? Yep, they work together too (CTA = Consumer Tech Association). Oh and how about CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association)? Which is a collaboration of the wireless carriers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Etc.) and many of the handset makers. They work together too - against you!

So why doesn't our industry work together? I can't answer that question because it just doesn't make any sense to me. Because working together, in a trade association is a no brainer to me. Simply put it could easily double the size of our industry just like it has for other industries - including the ones that are our true competitors!

That gets me to the perceived negative relationship between the Repairs First Association (RFA) and the Tech Care Association (TCA). Yes, clearly we both have the word Association in our names and we both operate within the tech repair industry.  

But we have two different goals in the way we are trying to help the industry. The RFA is pretty clear on their mission when you look at their website. The first thing you see on their website is: "Since the inception of Repairs First Association our vision has been to save our repair shop members money and provide franchise level support without the franchise fees!" They go on to say that they are the industries "first CO-OP" (in co-ops, members pool resources to bring about economic results that are unobtainable by one person alone).

I have heard from some of our members at the TCA (yes, many belong to both orgs) the RFA can help you save a lot of money. They have multiple relationships with vendors and have negotiated discounts for their members. They are an organization that is worthy of your membership. You should join them if the value is there for your business.

The Tech Care Association (TCA) has a different mission. Our mission is to help unite the industry across four different segments (tech repair, tech support, tech reuse, and tech recycle) in order to help promote the benefits of each segment to the masses (remember awareness is our biggest issue). While at the same time acting as a true trade association that can advocate for the industry with big tech and government bodies. We also seek to help the industry mature by working together to set industry standards, certifications, common business practices, and help the industry police itself outside of the big tech companies we serve. The TCA is also working to bring new opportunities to the industry with unique partnerships for you.

These are two organizations that do two different things within the industry. You should belong to both. It's OK. No one is going to give you a loyalty test.

I would be remise in not mentioning one other organization that you should consider joining if you are in the the repair industry. The Repair Association is the group responsible for the right to repair movement (which we talked about recently on one of our webinars). If you want to support this movement then you should seriously consider joining them. They are an advocacy group that is focused on getting right to repair legislation passed in this country (You can also join Louis Rossmann's group, Fight to Repair).

Yes, I have had my differences with The Repair Association, after working for them for more than a year, but this is another relationship I would be willing to mend if they are open to the idea.

I have always said that I am willing to work with anyone who is interested in moving the industry forward. Working together is however, a two way street. If your organization has the opinion that it is my way or the highway then thanks, but no thanks. On the other hand if you want to work together in unity to help the industry help itself then give me a call!

Thanks for the read! 
Please be sure to comment below, follow me here on the WiGoMan blog 
and on twitter @RobBobLink


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