Apple Goes Bigger into Repair! Small Business Will Suffer.

Be very, very quiet Apple is hunting repair shops! As reported by MacRumors , 9TO5Mac and TECHTIMES the mighty Apple appears to be admitting that they can't handle all the device repairs that come into their stores and occur on a daily basis. They have opened more repairs to their Apple Authorized Service Provider Program that includes cracked iPhone screens. In other words, 3rd Party repair shops, there is a new competitor in town and they have hundreds of locations across the country. Surprise! Most of these places are not name brand shops (MBS, Inc, Sunrise Computers, etc.) but a lot of Best Buy locations are included and Simply Mac which has 72 stores nationwide. So now when you go on Apple's Support site and choose "Bring in for Repair" it will show customers these new locations and allow them to book an appointment online. Although it looks like they are still strained with the huge number of broken devices they need to serv...