It's a New Day and a New Mission for the WiGoMan blog

I started the WiGoMan blog in 2010 to help spread the message and talk about the virtues of REPAIR. It started with Cell Phone Repair, then added tablets, computers, game systems, drones, circuit boards and even a Teddy Ruxpin. But now it's a new day on the WiGoMan Blog (cue Music)

I got back from the Wireless Repair Expo this year at CTIA -- a show I have been attending for too many years to count -- and I realized that after the third Wireless Repair Expo the industry is still struggling to organize. The only people who want to talk to each other are a few shop owners in mainly mid-markets because the bigger guys stay to themselves for some reason - like they have some kind of super secret way to fix stuff??!! I will offer kudos to AJ Forsythe of iCracked who was one of the only larger companies to speak in public! 

Anyways, I spent the last year doing a lot of research on the repair industry. I've developed hundreds of contacts around the world with repair shop owners, techs, distributors, and the ever popular repair groupies, that I realized I could be sharing with you all. Oh and I've been in the repair industry since 2008, owned a multi-shop business, including advanced MB repairs and introduced innovative concepts to the industry.

So while every post previous to this one will be about WiGoClinic and WIGO TECH Repair all of the posts going forward will discuss the TRI (Tech Repair Industry). What is that you ask, well you're going to have to read my next post to learn more!

I'll close by quoting the iFixit Repair Manifesto:
REPAIR is better than Recycling
REPAIR saves you Money
REPAIR Teaches Engineering
REPAIR saves the Planet


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