Batteries Make the World Go Around - Replace & Recycle!

Batteries make the world go around, the world go around, the world go around.
Batteries make the world go around. They make the world go 'round.

**Reference Cabaret - replace "money" with Batteries**

Batteries are EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING, from the key fob to unlock your car door to starting your car - and if Tesla has it way we'll all be driving an EV very soon. Certainly we all know the pain of a battery going dead on our cell phone when we really, really need it to work. So if the modern cell phone (aka, smartphone) drives our lives and the modern battery is what makes it go, well now you can see why it makes the world go around...

So what's up with batteries? They must be a new technology because they sure don't work well, right? Well actually, Alessandro Volta is widely credited with inventing the battery in 1800 but our friend Benjamin Franklin toyed around with them too in 1748. He coined the word "Battery" by borrowing from the military, which refers the weapons functioning together. Because a few things need to "work together" to for a battery to convert chemical energy to electrical energy.

Nowadays lithium-ion is the battery of choice for most rechargeable applications - namely phones, tablets and computers. It's a great tech for today's portable electronics with a high energy density, tiny memory effect, low self discharge and fairly low cost makes it very popular. 

Here at WIGO TECH Repair we have repaired thousands of phones with power issues. We replace batteries all the time and we carry more different batteries in-stock than most shops or retail stores can even dream about. Some people can talk about theory of batteries we know the reality!

I can tell you this, rechargeable batteries are only as good as the way they are charged or how you take care of them. Here are a few lessons to help you enjoy a longer more productive battery.

LESSON 1: Battery life is typically defined by the number of full charge-discharge cycles before significant capacity loss. In other words the more you let it run out of power an then charge it all the way up the shorter it will last. If you fully charge it too many times the battery will degrade faster (not work as well).
ACTION PLAN: Only charge the battery when it's low AND before it drains all the way out.

LESSON 2: Battery degradation is strongly temperature-dependent and heat is the enemy. If you allow the battery to get hot a lot it will not do what it ought.
ACTION PLAN: Keep it cool whenever possible.

LESSON 3: A bad charger is a bad charger and will do bad things to your battery. Not all aftermarket chargers are bad but you can be assured that the super cheap ones are VERY BAD and can cause a lot of damage by overcharging your battery. These bad cheap chargers can cut your battery life in half and can be dangerous!
ACTION PLAN: Don't buy cheap chargers. You'll get what you pay for!!

LESSON 4: Your charger should start charging as soon as you plug it into the device. If you have to wiggle it, hold the charger in place or force it into the charging slot for it to charge you have a problem that is only get worse and fast!
ACTION PLAN: GET IT FIXED! A local repair shop, like WIGO TECH Repair, should be able to repair or replace the charge port so that it charges correctly. For most shops it should be an inexpensive repair.

LAST LESSON: Most battery or charging issues for your TECH can be fixed! Repair is a much better option for almost all of your devices. Even if you plan on buying something new in the near future. A professional repair shop, like WIGO TECH Repair, can repair your device quickly and at an affordable price. If you haven't thought about repairing your TECH (phone, tablet, computer, etc.) in the past you should now. 

Repair instead of replace!


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