Screen Protectors, aren't they all the same?

“Aren't all screen protectors the same?”
“My phone doesn’t need a screen protector, does it?"

I get questions about screen protectors ALL the time -- by the way the correct answers are NO and YES. There are many different levels of quality when it comes to screen protection; from your basic cheap plastic that will yellow and fall off in a few weeks to chemically engineered polymers that can actually increase the strength of your screen. Bottom line: Quality matters!

At WiGoClinic - Cell Phone Repair we offer the BEST premium screen protectors on the market from Wrapsol, a US based company just south of Bean town in Canton, MA. Good old American ingenuity! They make there product in the USA as well. So it's a great way to support American jobs!!

My guess is that you want to know what makes Wrapsol screen protectors the best. So lets start with how they are made. In short, it's unique chemistry that produces remarkable properties. The long version (deep breath) is that, Wrapsol protective films are made from a high performance, non-yellowing, optically clear polyurethane resin, coated with a with a clear, hybrid co polymer, acrylic, pressure-sensitive adhesive. that is engineered to help prevent drop, impact and scratch damage to mobile devices, this patent-pending material exhibits a remarkable property > SHOCK ABSORPTION < the result of a unique chemical interaction between the resin and the adhesive (now exhale).

Lifetime Warranty

If you buy one in our shops and want us to install it we will, for FREE. But if you want to buy it and take it home you will be glad to know that they might be the world's easiest screen protector to install. They have application handles (little removable tabs at each end) and they incorporate a 100% dry application process called Easy Tack (this eliminates possible liquid damage) and Active Air Release (it breathes to eliminate air bubbles within 24 hrs). Most come in two different options, Front Screen only and Front & Back.

These suckers have been lab tested and they came out on top as the STRONGEST (twice as strong as the leading competitor) and SMOOTHEST (actually feels smoother than glass!). Did I mention they are self healing -- kind of like the Terminator, but it won't be looking for Sarah Connor. It will be like the later Terminator movies where it is protecting and not killing.

So come into WiGoClinic - Cell Phone Repair TODAY for a premium Wrapsol screen protector for your phone. It might save you a trip to our shop in the future with a broken screen.



  1. I really want to get something like this. I would hate for my new phone to get scratched, and this looks like an excellent way to do it. I will have to head down to my cell phone store in Toronto and see if they have anything like this.

  2. Using phone guards not only protects the mobile phones from taking some kind of damages like minor cracks and scrathces but it also makes the phone looks better.

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  6. yes your truly right because there are a lots mobile and every mobile have their own protector for shaving the screen thanks for sharing this i personally adore it.

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