HTC Titan - With Windows Phone

OK so I took my mother-in-law to get a new phone just after Christmas. She wanted an iPhone but I personally think iPhone is way overrated. Long story short, we decided on the HTC Titan with Windows Phone -- yes that is how you say it "with Windows Phone". Let me just say that neither one of us were dissapointed.

HTC Titan - Wow!
First of all it's got a 4.7 inch screen! Double Wow!! We thought it would be too big, but hey, it's only 9.9mm thick. Triple Wow!!! Feels great in the hand and super easy to use. Big screen makes typing so much easier than on smaller screens. The screen will blow you away - really! And boy-howdy is it fast! Can I say quadruple WOW!!!!

So we walk-in the AT&T store and the guy who greets us rolls his eyes and turns us over to a younger geeker guy once we say we want to look at Windows Phones -- I guess we weren't cool enough for him to help us. Then the younger geeker guy says, "I have to be honest with you the Windows phones are really hard to use". What the ....??!! He then whipped out his dual phones one iPhone & one Andriod and says, "Trust me. I have used both and Android is the way to go". I tell him we'll look at the Windows Phone anyway.

After a few minutes of all three of us looking at the HTC Titan the young geeky guys says WOW this is actually really easy to use. Yea, I thought a simple O/S with active tiles and preloaded with a lot of nice stuff would be and it is. Add the 1.5GHz processor, 16GB memory, 512MB RAM, HSPA+ (almost 4G data), 8MP Camera w/ dual LED Flash and a 1650 mAh battery and I say NICE JOB to HTC & Microsoft on a job well done!

So in my humble opinion if your going to spend $199 on a smartphone ignore the hype, what the "cool" people and the uninformed media say and get yourself an HTC Titan.


  1. just got a titan for app development. still have my iPhone 3g some productivity apps. the problem you faced at the store is quite wide spread.

    The sales people are mainly kids with a preference to favoring the device they use.

  2. It’s a really nice phone. Its processor is quite fast but the RAM is very small.

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