Cell Phone Liquid Damage - Tips to Prevent it

WARNING: If your cell phone has gotten wet, stop and take out the battery NOW!! Seriously, take the battery out now and step away from the phone! Bring it into our repair shop ASAP - we can save it. OK, now enjoy the post and I hope you learn a thing or two to prevent damaging your cell phone.

Liquid damage is a funny thing. I had customer once who had the tide come in and completely submerse the phone in saltwater (not good). Our shop was able to recover the phone and bring it back to life. Then there was the guy who got one drop of rain in an exposed charge port and it fried the motherboard (really bad). So you never know what will happen when you phone gets wet.

Best advice is to NOT get your phone wet (I know, easier said than done). Second best advice is to send it to LIQUIPEL and have them coat your phone with a pretty cool nano-tech to help prevent it from ever getting damaged by liquid - it really works!

Here are few cheap tips to avoid getting liquid damage (after all I have heard it all):

Ziploc Bag it - Going to the pool, beach, water park, skiing, place with lots of water, etc. take along a small Ziploc bag to put your cell phone in. Sometimes simple and easy save the day.

> Bathroom - 1) If you're going to sit take your cell phone out our of your pocket FIRST. Maybe set it on the toilet paper holder or someplace else safe. 2) Lots of water around the sink. Probably not a good idea to set the phone next to the sink, ya think?! 3) Hot shower anyone? Steam bad. Leave phone in another room - you can always call them back after your clean and dry!

> Laundry - Check ALL of the pockets and then maybe call all of the family phones before your start - if they answer you can simply say, "Just wanted to let you know there will be clean laundry tonight!"

> A Baby - Yes your phone is shiny and can entertain for hours, but it's going in the mouth at some point -- saliva is a liquid too ya know. Plus there are a lot of germs on your phone AND it has toxic metals in it

> The Jokester - Joking around with someone's cell phone is just not funny and it can turn out to be an expensive joke too. Holding it above a cold beverage - not funny with greasy french fry fingers. Pushing someone in the pool with all of their clothes on can be very entertaining. Before you push have an accomplice ask to borrow their phone.

> Athletes/Gym Rats - Sweat is a liquid and can cause damage! Ladies don't stick it in your sports bra (true story: told customer her phone had liquid damage. She swore it NEVER got wet. Found out she was a runner and always took her phone. Where do you keep it? In my sports bra. Do you sweat? Oh yea, a lot... but, do you think that is what happened??). Like or not your hands get sweaty too. Don't handle your phone with sweaty hands.

> Restaurant/Bar - Setting your cell phone down on the table or on a bar or counter can lead to disaster. Lots of liquid lurking about and a spilled drink is always a possibility. If you must get your phone out put it on a napkin. If the table is wet or someone spills nearby you've got a chance to save it.

> Car Cup Holder - You just finished off a Venti Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino on a plus 100 degree day. You toss the empty cup in the back and slip your phone into the cup holder. It rings and as you answer it you notice an inch of slightly chilled water in the cup holder. Ouch. Try stuffing a napkin in the bottom or get yourself a nice car mount that's even better!

> Watch Out - True Story: Customer was texting and walking. Didn't watch where he was going and walked right into a canal. WATCH OUT! Be careful and pay attention to where you are going. If you must text and walk tryout one of those apps that let you see through the camera where you are headed.

> No Licking - True Story: How did your charge port get damaged? Not sure, but every time I plug in the charger I lick it to get a better connection. Not a good idea -- but funny.

Add a comment with your story.

Remember: If you do get your cell phone wet. TAKE OUT THE BATTERY. Then take it to your local repair shop ASAP if you want to be certain it will work. Home remedies are nice, but a professional cell phone repair shop has a much better chance of saving your phone than a bag of rice.

As always if you need a good place to go visit us by clicking this link WiGoClinic - Cell Phone Repair. We would love to help you out.


  1. Its very interesting post, good job

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  2. i think there is no any such a good solution for this because if i lose any mobile by liquid so i can not recover that.

    Bolton Mobile Repairing Company


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