When Apple Moves In Small Business Suffers

Apple recently relocated its first ever retail store in Tysons Corner Center to a new "reimagined" location. 22 years after opening the first ever Apple store they relocated to a more popular section of the mall. This much ballyhooed reimagined location was celebrated with lots of pictures in the official Apple press release . Seems by all accounts to be a joyous celebration for one of the largest tech giants in the world. Kind of. All except for two small businesses that stood in the way of this corporate titans reimagining. Notice the picture below from the press release: Outside the new Apple Store May 2023 A few months before this picture you would have seen a successful mall kiosk that had been in operation for more than seven years. This small business had the misfortune to 1) be in the line of sight for this new Apple store, and 2) offer competing products at a better price. See the before picture below: Small business kiosk before Apple moved in 2022 You see,...