The New Apple Self Service Repair Program is a Win for the Right to Repair Movement but...

In case you've been living under a rock Apple recently did a 180 on repair and announced a new program that will allow its customers to purchase its fancy, expensive, exclusive genuine OEM parts. This is a huge win for the right to repair movement for consumers and I want to congratulate all of the folks that have been toiling away at this goal for many years (shoutout to Kyle Wiens of iFixit & Nathan Proctor of U.S. Prig especially - good guys who have been fighting the good fight for a long time). RECENT UPDATE : MacRumors has seen some internal Apple memo and reported on 11/22/21 that 1) manuals will be available on the Apple Support Website and 2) that it’s online parts store will be operated by an unspecified third party. While this is a huge win for consumers it is NOT a win for independent tech repair shops or for the greater tech care industry. I repeat this is NOT A WIN for the thousands of tech repair people who own and operate small business...