
Showing posts from June, 2021

Big Win for the Right to Repair Movement, but...

Congratulations to everyone who has been fighting for the right to repair. Yesterday (June 10, 2021) the NY state Senate had a floor vote that was 51-12 in favor of right to repair. This is big in three ways; 1) It's the first bill to make it out of committee and actually get a floor vote, 2) It was also the first bill to win a floor vote, and 3) 51-12 is a healthy margin -- sounds like the Buccaneers vs. Lions last year.  If you're not familiar with how a bill becomes a law now is a good time to review the School House Rock video on the subject. I'm Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock!) So a hardy congratulations to everyone at, iFixit, US PIRG, and the newly formed Fight for Repair organization.  This is a hard fought victory and these good people deserve all of the credit for continuing the fight. If you care about the right to repair then they also deserve your financial support! Gamechanger, Right? Yea, sure it is. A win is a win is a win. This wi...