Your Phone Got Wet! What Do You Do Now? Welcome to Liquid Damage Season! AKA, Summertime!

I remember it like it was yesterday -- and at one of the thousands of tech repair shops around the country it was yesterday -- I got a call in my office that one of my good friends from church was down at the repair shop and he was super upset. My tech told me he was frantic and needed to talk to me directly. I was in a meeting with my warehouse staff but I jumped up from my desk and headed down to the shop. On the way I wondered what was wrong. Had someone in our small group been injured? Maybe one of my family members were hurt? Was it another fundraising campaign for the new church building? What could be so important??? I hugged my good friend as I met him in the shop and asked him what was wrong. With tears in his eyes he said, "I really hope you can help Rob." I thought for sure that someone had died. He slowly lifted a beach bag and emptied four *almost* brand new iPhone's on the counter next to a couple of sea shells along with a little sand mixed-in. The ...