The WiGoMan Returns!

Okay, let's not call it a comeback but after not posting anything here for a little over two years I've decided to start posting about tech/cell phone repair again. Yea me! READERS : So what have you been doing the last couple of years WiGoMan? WiGoMan : Learning more about Tech Repair. A lot more, in fact READERS : What happened to that repair business you started back in 2010? Didn't you have something like 10 locations in the DMV area? WiGoMan : Long story short, after growing the WiGoClinic into ten locations across the DMV and repairing thousands of devices we hit our ceiling as a company. I wanted to take the company in a new direction but the staff just wasn't on-board. That's when I decided to sell the company and venture off on my own. Worked for a couple of repair companies and consulted with a few more. Now I'm consulting with repair companies and startups. Searching for the Next Big Thing! READERS : Cool... and what does that mean to us? ...