"Fast, Friendly and a Real Bargain!"

If and when you need to have a cell phone or tablet repaired -- and you will need a repair sooner or later -- keep that in mind. Because that's what a recent customers email to me said. "I want to thank you for the fix on Emily's phone - fast, friendly and a real bargain! We really appreciate it." FAST: Is the company your dealing with fast of do they take all day to make simple repairs? At WiGoClinic most cracked screen repairs can be done in an hour at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! So let's talk about the one hour for a second because I know some shops claim they can do some repairs in 15-20 minutes. Hah, in a perfect world yes. But do you really want someone to rush the repair and possible damage something OR what happens if there is some other complication? That 15-20 minutes turns into an hour. We try and provide an honest quote on all of our repairs. FRIENDLY: Is the company your talking to friendly? Do they answer the phone when you call? At WiGoClinic we kno...