Liquid Damaged Cell Phone?! What Now??

If your reading this post I will assume your cell phone has gotten wet. So the first thing you want to do is TAKE OUT THE BATTERY, set the phone on a paper towel and finishing reading this post to learn what you can do to save your cell phone. Liquid damage is not death to your phone . It can be saved, but you need to do something to save it and you need to act quickly. Let me say first there is no magic bullet. There is no miracle cure. There is no ONE way to make your phone work again. There are thousands of DIY ideas out there and one might work for you -- some better than others. But there is no one way that you can save your phone and make it work again. Your best option is to take it into a cell phone repair shop and have them work on it ASAP! Time is of the essence here if you want to save your phone and/or the data on it. Now before you roll your eyes again and say, "Gee WiGoMan, it seems a bit self serving to tell me to take my phone into a repair shop when you work...